Who is best situated to judge your true potential? A simple question to consider, but one that can have deep impact.
One hint: it’s not you.
The worst judge of your true potential is yourself. This is why it’s imperative that you work with, around, and for people that want to see you succeed, grow, develop, and move on, even if it means they will lose you in the future.
Some employers have a very hard time with this idea. If you are being kept in a box, if you are not being encouraged to spread your wings, and especially if you work for somebody who demands you only do what they say you should do (“Do what I say to do, otherwise you’re doing the wrong thing” – this was actually said to me once by a CEO who hired me to bring creativity and new thinking to an organization … yikes!) then cut the cord and get the hell out of there. People that say such things are only in it for themselves. You need to find people that are in it to help others.
Let me repeat: it’s imperative that you work with, around, and for people that want to see you succeed, grow, develop, and move on, even if it means they will lose you in the future
Life is too short to not try to reach your true potential.
Find those that will help you do it, and value that business relationship above all others.