
There’s always somebody cheaper. And somebody more expensive. There’s always somebody smaller moving faster, and somebody bigger moving slower.  There’s always the cool kid, always the brainiac, the shiny new things, and the pretty ones.  Who is your real competition? Most of the time it’s not more than 20% of who you can choose from Read More…

Happy Memorial Day. Now get to work.

Wine retailers, most of them anyway, can’t look forward to Memorial Day and Labor Day as long weekends of relaxation. The store has to be open. Customers want beer and wine to enjoy around the grill. Can’t ring up sales if you’re home grilling some food. Which of course means for many wholesale reps, Memorial Day and Read More…

Don’t assume anything

I went to test drive a new car a few years ago. They copied my license, handed me the key fob, and said “have a good test drive.” Getting into the car and looking at the fob I couldn’t figure it out. There was no place to put a key, and there wasn’t a start Read More…

Fighting for change (in the right ways)

If you work for a winery, importer, brand, or wholesaler that continues to do things “the way we’ve always done it” then maybe you’re the one fighting for change. Change is a big word, and a scary word to many. It threatens the status quo. It puts those that have been in the decision making Read More…

Package size first, price second

Two quotes. Same math. Different presentation. “It’s $180. It’s a six pack.” and “It’s a six pack for $180.” The way you present the price can have big impact. Be careful to always say the package size first, price second. Nobody likes to find out the wine is actually $30 a bottle after thinking, just Read More…

Is Your Business Model Distinctive?

The Harvard Business Review recently published a quick read called Your Whole Business Needs to be Distinctive, Not Just Your Product. In it they cite the normal line up of Apple and IKEA when it comes to something distinctive. “The most effective companies don’t rely on distinctive products, services or brand for differentiation; instead, they focus Read More…

Points of Contact

As a wine wholesale rep, how many times a week do you touch your customers? You can’t count when they call you. That’s the wrong direction. You call them. You email them. You connect to them through social media. You of course meet with them face to face, sometimes twice a week. These are all Read More…

1 x 26 does not equal 26

Big distributors like to make big drops, for it makes for big numbers and the stack of wine has big presence in the store. But to sell 26 cases of a wine in one shot is very different than selling one case a week of a wine for 26 weeks. To drip it out, to Read More…

The magic words: No and Sorry

“Can I make a reservation for next Friday night at 7pm?” No, sorry, we are fully booked. “Can I buy more of that awesome rosé you had in the store last week?” No, sorry, it sold out and there’s no more until next year. “Hey! Send me five cases of that Sauvignon Blanc that I Read More…