Every Monday I throw out a challenge to readers, something that is timely and of the moment, and pushes people in certain directions. This week: Take care of number one. This is the crunch time. It’s when business is really cranking. Thanksgiving is over, Christmas is around the corner, people are getting that frantic look Read More…
Month: November 2016
In-store wine tasting success
Between Thanksgiving and Christmas, there will be many hours for sales reps and retailers standing behind a table pouring wine for consumers. The in-store tasting is a powerful tool if used right, but a waste of time if used wrong. Here are some ideas. Less is more: keep in mind the paradox of choice. Offer Read More…
What being remarkable really means
There is no goal other than to be remarkable at what you do. Everything else falls into place after that. Yes, there are highs and lows, unexpected roadblocks and accidentals holes you step in. That’s called being human. But if you are remarkable, the highs, lows, roadblocks, and holes don’t impact you as much as Read More…
A day of planning, a day of pause
Welcome to Black Friday. The day after Thanksgiving is always a strange one. Shoppers pack the stores, movie theaters are busy, many restaurants open early to catch the breakfast and brunch crowd, quite a few people simply stay at home and eat leftovers and watch TV. Wine shops are busy but not overrun (nothing compared Read More…
A great use for Thanksgiving Eve
What are you doing today? If you are a wine sales rep or a wholesale manager, here’s a little secret: today is one of the best days of the year to visit unsold or unopened restaurant accounts. Why? Because today the retailers are so busy they don’t want to see you. And your solid on-premise Read More…
Monday Challenge: Ask for help
Every Monday I throw out a challenge to put readers into a position of growth, which can sometimes be uncomfortable at first. This week: Ask for help. We are not wired instinctively to ask for help. Some people, by virtue of whom they work for, are downright terrified to ask for help, thinking it will Read More…
Private conversations
The amount of information that people are inclined to share with you privately rises in direct proportion to how well you handle the information others have given you. To put it in a much simpler way, if you lead any sentences with “I shouldn’t tell you this, but …” then you’re doing the wrong thing. Read More…
The problem with choices …
… is that most people second guess their decision. When faced with a huge number of choices in front of them, most people will fret and fuss and debate and contemplate until the frustration leads to simply grabbing something that they hope will work and going for it. It’s the video store syndrome. Remember those Read More…
Practice does make perfect
There is no short cut around practice. Simple as that. Does U2 just jump up on stage one day and pull off a perfect show? No way. Does an olympic swimmer casually decide to just swim really fast for that week? Of course not. Does a great restaurant built on customer experience just assume the new Read More…
Monday challenge: The Supermoon Effect
Every Monday I throw out a challenge to readers. Something to push you into an uncomfortable spot, to make you see things in a new light or direction, with the goal of growth. This week’s challenge: The Supermoon Effect. Last night more people than ever before paused what they were doing, walked outside, and watched Read More…
A new haircut
Yesterday my wife went to a new hair stylist for a haircut. She was tired of her old stylist for no reason other than “it’s time to change things up.” She came back with not only an awesome haircut, but an exceptional story about customer sales and the overall transaction. When most of us go for Read More…
Do you know …
… what you are doing every day of the upcoming week? … who you need to reach out to, listed in an easy format to check them off? … which wines you need to concentrate on, make sure you know the details of, and know a good story to tell about each one? … who Read More…
The best wine sales reps …
… constantly suggest new wines, ideas, categories, and look for ideas to bring to you from other markets or outside the wine industry. … plan and strategize. They develop sales goals with the buyer, and do whatever they can to achieve them (staff trainings and in store tastings should always be done to work toward a Read More…
Perceived value through having options
I’m writing this from a large, nice, off the beaten path privately owned hotel in Madison, Wisconsin. It’s a good, clean, practical building with very nice people working the front desk. A large free parking lot. Gentle hum of I-90 out the windows. Hot water is hot, cold water is cold, coffee is good, and free Read More…
Monday Challenge: One Sentence
Every Monday I throw out a challenge to readers. Something to put you into a slightly uncomfortable place, to push you to grow and thus get closer to being spectacular at what you do. This week: the challenge of One Sentence. The idea is that anything that takes too long to explain will quickly become grey Read More…
What Apple (via Samsung) can teach a wine sales rep
Phones are blowing up. Samsung designed a faulty product that is reeking havoc in their company, and more importantly it’s denting their reputation. You can’t have phones blow up. Not good. Then people don’t want to buy your product. The cheap and easy advertisement that Apple could then put out to promote the iPhone7? “Our Read More…
A simple buying strategy for smaller restaurants and wine retailers
Smaller restaurants and smaller wine retailers start off at a competitive disadvantage compared to their larger competitors. They don’t have the buying power, name recognition, attention, press, coverage, and influence of their bigger cousins. But that’s only if you look at the dollars, and especially if you look at the dollars of value per vendor. Read More…
Welcome to the maze
Everybody has items that fall off the list. Everybody has items that suddenly show up on the list. Everybody has prospects that look oh so good, feel oh so good, seem to be oh so good, and never buy as a customer or perform as an employee. Everybody has shit that comes up out of Read More…
Who can judge your true potential?
Who is best situated to judge your true potential? A simple question to consider, but one that can have deep impact. One hint: it’s not you. The worst judge of your true potential is yourself. This is why it’s imperative that you work with, around, and for people that want to see you succeed, grow, Read More…