As a wine wholesaler, you can’t, in good conscience, be a supporter of both the boutique hand-selling wine shop and the mega national retailer.
You can’t, in good conscience, sell a wine that goes against the core of all of your personal values and the needs of your accounts simply to make a quota or achieve a sales goal.
You can’t, in
You can’t, in good conscience, sell a small but innocent (i.e. not savvy) restaurant a wine that is by the glass at Chez Mega, found at every mall in the region.
You can’t, in good conscience, sell a wine to a favorite small retailer knowing they will get crushed on price from the larger nearby competition.
Of course, all of this assumes you have a conscience.
Oxford Dictionary definition of conscience: An inner feeling or voice viewed as acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one’s behavior.