A retail store that mixes their rosé wine in amongst all the other selections has a problem: their customers can’t simply find the rosé section.
A retail store that has twenty Chianti but no Barolo has a problem: their customers can’t find the basic variety that every store should offer.
A restaurant that has misspellings, wrong regions, and inconsistent pricing on their wine list has a problem: their customers can’t easily order a glass of wine or get what they expect.
A restaurant that pours a too cold glass of white and a too warm glass of red has a problem: what they serve to the customer could be so much better with just a little attention.
So the question begs to be asked: Do they even know they have a problem? And if they don’t know they have a problem, how do you as a sales rep bring it up to them?
This is sensitive ground to walk on. Don’t assume you know best, and don’t assume they are ignorant. Be careful about bringing things up, making sure you’re not implying they are wrong/dumb/foolish/old fashioned/etc.
Follow a golden rule: all interactions with an account begin with a simple mantra: “I have ideas to make your business even better and more profitable.”