Yesterday I wrote about surprising the people you see the most, the ones that you are in a rut with. This rut could be how you do business, what you wear, what you say, etc. and it only helps to entrench the already entrenched daily grind.
Not that you have to dress like a clown and come honking into an account all day every day. What I was encouraging is that you change things up for yourself rather than for them.
However, there is one trick I’ve learned over 20 years of selling wine that works every time when it comes to your most reliable and predictable (i.e. in a rut) customers, and knocking them off their tracks in a good way.
It’s the one trick that is bound to get their attention. The one trick that is going to have them telling others about you at some point. And the one trick that will instantly bring your value up in their mind.
Here you go: walk into the account the way you always do. Take inventory, say hi to the staff, clean up your product, make a list of what needs to be bought, and all the other normal stuff.
When it’s your time with the buyer, do the same old chit chat, how are the kids, how was your week, did you see the game, etc. and do the normal here’s what you need, thanks for the order, etc.
Then …
“I’ve got something to taste with you. Do you have time?” Sure they do!
You take out your stemware and you take out a bottle. A bottle of a competitor’s wine that you honestly respect and like. You also like that competitor and without hesitation you’ll throw some business their way because they are good people and good at what they do.
Then pop the competitor’s wine, pour it for your customer, and sell them on it.
“I love this stuff and I think it would be a great fit in your mix. Who is your sales rep from that company?”
Watch the look on their face.
Do something so purely for the customer, something you will not profit from. The “profit” here is not monetary. It’s emotional. And emotional profit is every bit as valuable as straight sale.