When you know the uphill battle is not getting easier.
When you know the problem account has no solutions and will never become better.
When you know that stack of Hungarian Pinot Noir was a bad sell or a bad buy.
When you know the organization you are working with or for is getting more disorganized and more haphazard.
When you know that little retailer that is so needly is never going to grow.
When you realize the restaurant really has no loyalty to you, but only to brands and pricing.
When you know the quality of a wine brand has gone downhill and it’s just a shell of its former glory.
Maybe it’s time to stop the bleeding. Attention, time, energy, and focus are limited resources. There’s only so much available to you during a given day or week.
Cut some ties, divert some attention, and focus on brands, accounts, people, and friends that bring you growth and optimism. It’s the only way to really move forward.