This week’s Monday Challenge is quick and simple.
Question one: did you read the first Monday Challenge of this year? If not, here you go.
Question two: did you read and respond to these two questions on that list:
- What is one clear personal goal (quantifiable) that you want to achieve in 2017?
- And … what has to be achieved by the end of the first quarter to know you are making progress on that goal?
Question three: with two weeks left in Q1 2017, where ya at?
I write quite a bit about goal setting, because setting the proper goals, following your progress, and celebrating achievement are what separate the pros from the amateurs. “Pros vs. Amateurs” will be the subject of a future essay, but here’s a hint: it has nothing to do with how old you are, how long you’ve been in the industry, or what your wine knowledge is. I’ve met people that are as green as can be when it comes to wine knowledge (and they will be the first to tell you that) but they kick ass in terms of goals, planning, presentation, and customer satisfaction. They outperform all the “industry vets” who are all wallowing in “how it used to be.”
Anyway, that’s for later. For now we have work to do. You have a Q1 goal to hit! And maybe a stretch goal too!
So, where ya at? Two weeks to go! Good luck!